Thursday, April 21, 2011

Meeting Aunt E

My sister Elizabeth flew into town last night to finally meet Charlie.  They are already having fun together, can't you see?

Actually, he was upset from tummy time, but E has been super helpful today.  She came with us for his 2 month checkup (technically he is 8 weeks old today and will be 2 months old on the 24th). 

Charlie handled his shots well at the Doctor today.  His 2 month stats:
12 pounds, 22 1/2 inches long, 38.5 cm head circumference
(his 1 month stats are 9 pounds 5 ounces, 21 1/4 inches, 37 cm head)

He's doing great!  

1 comment:

  1. hahahaha I just laughed so hard at the first set of pics.
